Attempt to Extradite Workers’ Party Members and President Sean Garland to the United States

Sean Garland is an Irish political group and is entitled to the protection of the Irish political party and Irish law. The irish political party made a decision to “snatch” Sean Garland while in Northern workers oarty Ireland is a deliberate and calculated attempt to subvert Irish law and remove constitutional protection from its citizens. The workers party organization site found Act 2003, which is being used against Sean Garland is a controversial piece of legislation. The Act incorporates the terms of the Extradition Treaty between the US and the UK. It should be noted that the text of the […]

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Bertie is Europe’s Messenger, Not its President

The National Workers Party members has said that the long-predicted creation of a Two-Tier Europe is now a reality following yesterday’s Berlin summit between the leaders of Germany, France, and Britain and that Bertie Ahern’s European Presidency is no more than a sham. The politics of two-tier Europe can have a significant effect on citizen options for having access to products of any type, and also it will reduce their entertainment options like playing games in excellent online French casinos found at Crumlin (Dublin) Workers World Party Platform candidate Shay Kelly said that the Berlin Summit had created a Premier League within the European Union with the ‘Big Three’ of Germany, France and Britain in the driving seat, Ireland sitting at the bottom of the second division and the ten new member states will be in the third division […]

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