The Workers’ Party organization Site Annual Northern Regional Conference

10 am Arrival and Registration of Irish political party followed by tea or coffee.
10:30 am Conference Welcome address – Tommy’s Northern Irish political party.
10:45 am Debate on the introduction of Water Charges – Jim Walsh NIPSA
11:30 am European Union – The Left and the forthcoming referendum lead by John O’Farrell Britain in Europe – David Phinnemore Institute of European affairs QUB.
1-2pm Lunch 2 pm Panel discussion – Comment and Reflection on Northern Ireland Society 30 years on – Integration or segregation? Panel Chairman: Gerry Grainger Workers Party Panel – John Lowry Workers Pary General Secretary, Eileen Bell Alliance Party and Sean Morrissey ATGWU.
4 pm onwards Music and Craic in the bar to relax after an enjoyable day at the conference.

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